6 Ways Custom Logo Mats Can Boost Your Business.

Businesses today operate in a more intensely competitive environment than they did just a few years ago. Where previously, competition came from brick and mortar businesses as well as big to medium size ecommerce companies, today the onboarding of small businesses has split the field wide open for a lot of players to enter the race. The result is a market place that is vigorously competitive and, consequently, one where every business has to work a lot harder to gain a share of the market as well as the consumer’s attention. In such an environment, every bit of publicity you can get for your business is welcome.

What if we told you that you can catch a lot of eyeballs through a product that will cost you a fraction of the cost traditional outdoor media would, offers visibility to your brand in high traffic areas, lasts for years, and is multifunctional? That’s right…a product that offers all those things. Allow us to introduce you to the many advantages of Custom Logo Mats.

Custom logo mats are synthetic or coir mats that can be printed with your logo, company name, tagline, website address, social media information, marketing message and much more. It’s a display of your company’s most coveted brand assets on a mat that can be used all year round…without costing you a fortune! You can opt for synthetic, coir or rubber logo entrance mats. And of course, they continue to offer the benefits that all mats do: getting rid of dirt and moisture from show soles, creating a slip resistant entrance and cleaners interiors. Here is a list of uses and benefits of custom logo mats that every business could profit from.   

  1. They help create a great first impression

You only get one chance to make a great first impression. Your entrance is the first area that customers and visitors see, and it can create a powerful first impression if it looks professional and clean. Entrance mats help keep floors dry, clean, and safe. Moreover, they can be customized with your company name, logo, and tagline to introduce or reinforce your brand. A company boldly displaying its branding at the entrance cues confidence, pride, and seriousness about what the company is doing. Can you beat that as a first impression?

  1. They introduce your company and build brand awareness

Companies spend lots of money every year trying to bring in new customers. Custom logo mats could help you in that effort. Apart from creating a good first impression, an entrance mat could well be your first contact with potential customers. Use it to introduce them to your brand and your company ethos at first glance by customizing it. If customers like what they see, they may consider entering your store and discovering your products. It’s a small investment that can help you increase your customer base.

  1. They act as an advertising medium and build brand recall

Thanks to their placement—outside your entrance--custom entrance mats enjoy high visibility…perfect for displaying and advertising your brand to all who enter and pass by. Unlike billboards and translights, the space outside your store is yours to use at no extra cost! Make the most of it with a great logo mat or even an interesting attention-catching one. Customised mats can be printed with high resolution images and in rich colours, so you can get creative too! And since your customized message is right outside your store, if customers like what they see and want to find out more, they can just step right in to satisfy their curiosity, affording you an invaluable chance to score a sale!

Here are a few unusual ways you can use custom logo mats to advertise your company and brand:

  • Outside entrances to draw in passers-by.
  • Inside a doorway to present key sales messages.
  • In front of a product display to highlight features and benefits or provide sizing or comparison information.
  • In front of a related product display (for example, a custom floor mat featuring a cereal brand can be placed in front of bananas, or spaghetti sauce featured on a mat in the pasta aisle)
  • Throughout a retail space to highlight promotions and special offers


  1. They double up as point of sale display

Bet you never thought of mats in that context before! Effective visual merchandising in a retail store helps customers find what they’re looking for and make purchase decisions, and also leads them to other products that would be relevant.  

Custom logo mats can be used in tandem with signages, displays, and lighting to create an impactful point of sale display. The floor mats can be used to:

  • Direct customers towards specific products or sections.
  • When placed in front of a product display, it can be used to provide customers with useful features/benefits/comparison information to help customers make a purchase decision.
  • Highlight sales, special promotions, offers and discounts, special giveaways, contests, loyalty clubs and other promotional marketing messages.
  • Inspire additional or related purchases. For example, a cheese brand could place a floor mat near the wine section that says: “How about some cheese to go with that?  Check out our selection of cheeses in Aisle 4.”
  • Capture last-minute sales by highlighting specific products or brands at the checkout counter, with a floor mat in front of your display.
  1. They can be used to boost employee morale

Of course, these customized floor mats are meant to be used at checkout counters, reception desks, retail outlets, and other high-traffic, high-visibility areas to create visibility for your brand. But have you considered using them in employee areas to promote safety or print motivational messages to encourage company pride, loyalty, and enthusiasm in employees? The very comfortable anti fatigue mats are great for employees whose job involves standing a lot. You can print it with a motivational message to keep them engaged and charged.

  1. They can be used at your office, retail store, as well as at trade shows.

You can use these mats anywhere you need to create brand awareness and recall—at your office, at your sales outlet, at your pop-up store, or at trade shows and exhibitions. They are easy to carry and last long enough to be used for years, thus saving you money even as they do good things for your brand and business. 

Can you think of other ways custom logo mats can be used? Share them with us in the comments!

If you would like to get a custom logo mat done for your company, feel free to contact us. We can help you find one that perfectly fits your requirements. For more information on our range of customized mats and to place mat orders, visit our site www.matsuppliergroup.com. We deliver in Canada as well as the US.

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